The Benecon Centre carries out analysis and evaluation of the territory, environmental reclaiming, recovery and maintenance of landscape, archaeological, urban and construction settings and in addition designs and develops green businesses and eco-museum areas.

BENECON - Centro Regionale di Competenza per i Beni Culturali, l’Ecologia e L’Economia
Sede legale: Via Beneduce, 10 81100 Caserta, Italy
Sede operativa: Abbazia di San Lorenzo ad Septimum Borgo San Lorenzo 81031 Aversa (CE), Italy
tel.: +39 081 8141593
fax: +39 081 8141593
test tecnologie prodal innova ICT GEAR dfm Bioteknet Benecon Amra
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The Centre has developed output within 3 macro-areas:

1) ENVIRONMENT – The artificial “mirror-sky” reproduces the distribution of luminescence of the CIE OVERCAST SKY, in order to provide a scale assessment of the contribution of natural light, in both relative and absolute terms, using the daytime light factor. The applications involve the study of scale models of designs for both traditional and innovative screening systems, the use of natural lighting and environmental planning and the monitoring of compliance with regulations for school buildings (UNI 10840).

Anecoica Camera

2) PRESENTATION – The ADS 40 digital aero-photogrammetric camera gathers data geo-referenced on a territorial scale and suitable for integration in GIS, for the purpose of monitoring land use, the stability of slopes an d environmental impact, in addition to analysing the physical and biological characteristics of bodies of water. The Lidar System (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) strikes the land with the laser from the aircraft, determining the elevation of the land on the basis of altitude and frequency. Post-processing generates a digital model for the terrain (Dtm) or the surface (Dsm). The process group makes it possible to create Territorial Information Systems, in addition to controlling the impact of development initiatives and activities and planning and utilising landscape resources, with one option being use of an ICT platform.

The CASI 1500 hyper-spectre air-transported system collects digital multi-spectre data on 288 "distinct" bands of the electromagnetic spectrum suitable for programming. Naturally, the hyper-spectre sensor onboard (for identifying polluted zones, for example) is equipped with both a Gps positioning system and an Ins inertial system.

SLAR air-transported sensor

3) STRUCTURES – The dynamic implementation devices are capable of high-dynamic operation up to 1000 kN, in both traction and compression, and up to 70 Hz per mm. Each implementation device is equipped with: a loading cell and an LVDT coaxial shifting transducer (1000 mm); a 3-stage servo-valve and 4 channels at 900 lpm; spherical hinges (2 for each device), on the base and the ends, for connection to the contrast and trail structures.
- The Benecon Centre avails of 250 researchers from four universities of the Campania region and two research centres and a wealth of state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation.

- Benecon has set up an Environment-Description-Structures Laboratory (ARS), in the municipality of Frignano, a few kilometres from Aversa, furnished with a wealth of high tech equipment. The range of activities of the research centre is focused on three macro-areas: Environment, the Description of the territory and the investigation of the Structure and chemistry of materials.

- The Centre holds a patent for the Carta Uni.Te.Mi.Ca (Catalogued Minimal Unit of the Territory Map), a platform which appoints the network of competences through the processes of differentiation and measurement of all the material and immaterial components of the natural and man-made environments.

- The Centre supplies support to strategic environmental evaluation processes for territorial planning, introducing the principle of pre-emptive environmental analysis to any type of planning choice (Directive 2001/42/CE).
This heterogeneous offer of products and solutions, particularly in the fields of environmental, territorial and building evaluation and analysis, is suited for the national and European markets in the areas of construction, civil engineering, energy, lighting, acoustic, electromagnetic fields, air, water and soil quality analysis, and conservation and promotion of cultural heritage.
Società Haichuang (Technical Support Services _ manual for the recovery and conversion of use of buildings in the Italian quarter of Tianjin - S.I.RE.NA Città Storica S.C.p.A.); Special Superintendence for the Museum Hub of Florence (Georadar Investigation of Michelangelo’s David); Campania Region; Molise Region; Municipality of Naples; Municipality of Piedimonte Matese; Municipality of Sessa Aurunca; Municipality of Marcianise; Campania Region Commission of Evalutation and IACP; Second University of Naples; Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria; General Command of the Guardia di Finanza (Agreed Protocol for teledetection activities);Experimental Centre for Engineering s.r.l. (ICS).