The Centre’s mission answers the regional and national productive network’s demand for medium and long term advanced research in the ICT sector. Its work is geared towards the technological transfer of results attained and the creation of new productive entities through spin-offs or the establishment of specific businesses.

ICT - Centro Regionale di Competenze sulle Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione
Via Traiano, 1- Palazzo ex Poste - 82100 Benevento
Palazzo Genovesi-Piazza Sedile di Campo 84100 (SA)
Tel.: +39 0824 305534
Fax: +39 0824 305534
test tecnologie prodal innova ICT GEAR dfm Bioteknet Benecon Amra
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Distributed networks produce a change in the supply processes for many services that are no longer "static", as defined under standard protocols, but highly dynamic and not subject to a priori forecasting. This innovative vision is achieved by transferring to company systems the "virtual company" concept, meaning a temporary entity of independent entities distributed throughout the territory but tied to each other by an infrastructure that makes it possible to share costs, resources and benefits.

Wireless Systems: The Centre has developed mixed systems of wireless-wired and wireless terrestrial-wireless satellite transmission, in addition to carrying out a project for the creation of a guide service for the tour sector, providing information and services of use to all those who wish to visits sites such as museums or archaeology or nature parks and usable over a wireless network, by means of commercial palm devices.

Virtual reality mixes the perception of the surrounding reality with computer-generated images, supplying the user with additional information, though without preventing him or her from moving around and interacting with the native environment. Augmented reality is put to use in the military sector, where pilots are supplied with digital information. Another field of application is minimally invasive surgery. The images obtained by the surgeon with a TV camera are supplemented with TC or MRI images acquired from the patient in advance.

E-learning: is used in on-line training and for the implementation of modules that provide solutions for companies and for personnel. An increasing number of companies are developing a diversified array of training offerings, thanks to the use of new technologies. The ongoing development of business dynamics throws the focus on the human factor as the key element for achieving a company’s performance objectives.

Optoelectronics: GARR-X, the next-generation telematic multiservice network, will gradually replace the current GARR-G, providing new functions and performance features, thanks to the acquisition of proprietary fibre-optics. The Centre proposes a system for monitoring the trouble-free status and controlling adjustments of aeronautic and aerospace structures. In the future it will be possible to build customised logical networks.
The way in which ICT collaborates with enterprises presents some innovative aspects compared traditional partnership methods which lack a strong integration of competences and contribution between the scientific and business.

The resources and competences that make up ICT are connected with two Departments: Information Technology (IT Department) and Telecommunications Technology (TLC Department) and eight Hubs. The Departments and Hubs are designed to guarantee the structural concentration and managerial coordination of the research institutes, forming a critical mass of competences and human and technological resources. Each Hub or Department constitutes an access portal to this critical mass of competences and resources, regardless of where their geographical collocation on the regional territory.

Well-defined decisional mechanisms that allow for possible additional phases may lead the partnership towards the presentation of a proper project, supplying, in addition, a contribution in relation to regulations and the management of relations with the institutions.

By overcoming the dichotomy between scientific/technological and management/application knowledge, through a real integration of both the different disciplines involved and phases within the cycle of innovation (basic research, applied research and technological development), it has been possible to overcome the typical problems with inter-university and university-business cooperation, through the search for solutions that aspire to conjoined excellence in three aspects: Scientific and Technological Research, Private enterprise resource involvement, Mobilization and vitalization of local resources.
The individual products which the Regional Competence Centre ICT proposes must into account the general issue within which they are collocated. In particular the needs and potential of the target markets and respective B2B partners to whom one may potentially turn must be considered. The eastern European markets are in an intermediate state of development in the ICT sector, offering therefore a greater structural propensity/necessity to invest. It’s worth targeting medium sized business for cooperation, as larger organizations probably have a lesser interest in new technological partnerships, because of the greater likelihood of them being already equipped with the competences necessary for development. While at the other end, small sized businesses usually have a radius of action and area of competence too limited for sustaining an effective partnership with the Centre.
EDS Italia Software S.p.a., Italdata S.p.a, Hewlett-Packard, Engineering S.p.a., Global Value Solutions, Global Value Services, Datamat, SchlumbergerSema S.p.a., Maggiore, DIAL, Marcopolo, Corited, Circumvesuviana, Alcatel Italia, C.I.R.A, Italsystems.